CTAN submission -- new font metrics for LucidaBright

Reinhard Zierke zierke at dante.de
Mon Jan 20 14:22:43 CET 2003

----- Forwarded message from Walter Schmidt -----
I have uploaded the following files to the /incoming directory
at dante.ctan.org:


This is an updated set of font metrics, virtual fonts, FD and 
font map files for Y&Y's  commercial font family LucidaBright.
A "makefile" is provided to help with renaming of the original 
font files so standard "Berry-style" names. (This is optional.)

The upload occurs in accordance with Blenda Horn (Y&Y) and 
Sebastian Rahtz (who made the existing Lucida font metrics).

Please remove the following existing CTAN directories:


and the contents of the directory fonts/metrics/bh/lucida.

Then move my files to the directory fonts/metrics/bh/lucida.
(The stuff is no longer spread over 5 different directories).
Please, do not unpack lucida.zip.

This release features a number of changes over the previous 

* The file set includes also the metrics for LY1 encoded
text fonts.  These are the original files from Y&Y, only
renamed to Karl-Berry-style names.  The related .fd files
were changed appropriately.  Thus, LY1 can be used easily
beside T1/TS1.

* The LY1 and TS1 encodings make the Euro symbol (\texteuro)
accessible, which is present in the current release of the
Lucida fonts.

* With T1/TS1 encoding, the same set of font series and
shapes is supported as with Y&Y's original distribution.
The previous CTAN distribution, in contrast, included a
number of additional series/shapes, which were based on
artificially compressed, expanded or slanted fonts and faked
smallcaps.  Notice that these were never documented.

* The obsolete OT1 font encoding is no longer supported with
the Lucida fonts.

* T1 encoded smallcaps fonts (hlhrc8t, hlhbc8t) include
normal digits now, as expected.  Oldstyle digits are still
available in the TS1 encoding.
----- End forwarded message -----

Thanks for the update.  I installed it as suggested replacing everything
in CTAN:/tex-archive/fonts/metrics/bh/ with the new version in

Reinhard Zierke
for the CTAN team

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