CTAN update: zref-clever

CTAN Announcements ctan-ann at ctan.org
Thu Jun 15 20:36:30 CEST 2023

Gustavo Barros submitted an update to the



Version:  0.4.0 2023-06-14
License:  lppl1.3c

Summary description:  Clever LaTeX cross-references based on zref

Announcement text:

 ### Added
 - `labelhook` option, controlling whether to set a `\zlabel` alongside a
   standard `\label`.  This option uses the kernel's new `label` hook, which
   significantly improves and simplifies the task of setting a `\zlabel` in
   places where this is not directly supported.  The option is enabled by
   default, and strongly recommended.  It is not expected that this change will
   bring backward compatibility problems, `\zlabel`s continue to work just as
   before, and the places where a `\label` is required will also continue to
   work the same way.  The only case I see where you might need to adjust
   existing documents is if you already had both `\label`s and `\zlabel`s with
   the same names, in which case now you'll have a duplicate `zlabel` and will
   indeed have to correct it.  Also, you may be interested in taking a look at
   the "`\label` or `\zlabel`?" section of the User manual, since the option
   opens the possibility of a different approach in label setting in your

 ### Changed
 - Given the new `labelhook` option and the fact that it requires both the new
   `label` hook and the new hooks with options released in the latest LaTeX
   kernel, the kernel version required by `zref-clever` has been bumped to

 ### Removed
 - Given the new `labelhook` option, the parts of compatibility modules which
   provided for setting `\zlabel`s with `\label` in places where the former is
   not supported have been removed.  These would conflict with the new option,
   and the use of the `label` hook for this purpose renders them unnecessary
   and is superior in every aspect.  Namely, the compatibility modules changed
   in this fashion are: `amsmath`, `memoir`, and `listings`.


The package’s Catalogue entry can be viewed at

The package’s files themselves can be inspected at


   Thanks for the upload.

     For the CTAN Team
    Petra Rübe-Pugliese


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