New on CTAN: cleveref-forward

CTAN Announcements ctan-ann at
Sun Feb 25 18:41:27 CET 2024

Jinwen XU submitted the



Version:  2024-02-24
License:  lppl1.3c

Summary description:  Forward-referencing functionality for cleveref

Announcement text:

 “cleveref-forward” aims at providing the forward-referencing
 functionality for the package “cleveref”.

 This package is derived from the package “cleveref-usedon”, with
 several fixes and enhancements:
 - with multilingual support, notably it works with the package
   “crefthe” to provide the correct definite articles and
   declensions for referencing;
 - support displayed math equations;
 - support referencing in proofs;
 - has a uniformed interface for configuration.

 You may check the demo document to see the effect of some of these changes.

 That being said, the original package “cleveref-usedon” is better
 in terms of documentation, while the current package is slightly
 more advanced in terms of code.
 It is hoped that one day they can be combined into a better version.

 The author would like to thank:
 - Sven Pistre, for originally developing the nice package “cleveref-usedon”,
   and for the friendly discussions with him that inspired many of the
   modifications later.
 - Ulrich Diez, for his help in a key step of the new configuration command.


The package’s Catalogue entry can be viewed at

The package’s files themselves can be inspected at


   Thanks for the upload.

     For the CTAN Team
    Petra Rübe-Pugliese


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