CTAN update: tkz-elements

CTAN Announcements ctan-ann at ctan.org
Wed Jan 17 19:23:25 CET 2024

Alain Matthes submitted an update to the



Version: 1.82c
License: lppl1.3

Summary description: A Lua library for drawing Euclidean geometry with TikZ or tkz-euclide

Announcement text:

- version 1.82c
    - Point object  : name like z.App now gives a node with name A''
    - Modification of methods north,south
    - Added the function length(z.A,z.B) shortcut for point.abs(z.A-z.B).
    - Line object added  some methods
    - Added method in_out_segment
    - (sacred triangle)
       - gold
       - sublime or euclide
       - cheops
       - divine
       - pythagoras or isis or egyptian
       - golden
    - (classic triangles)
       - two_angles (side between)
       - sss (three sides)
       - ssa (two sides and an angle)
       - sas (an angle between two sides)
       - school (30°, 60° and 90°)
       - half right triangle in A with AB= 2AC
    -  Circle object
       - added method common_tangent (gives the common tangents of two circles)
       - Correction for a bug and an oversight in the circles_position method.
       - Rewriting the radical_axis methods
    - Triangle object
       - method trilinear (to use trilinear coordinates)
       - method barycentric (to use barycentric coordinates)
    - Added some functions (not methods)
       - bisector (a,b,c) altitude (a,b,c) bisector_ext(a,b,c) equilateral (a,b) midpoint (a,b) to avoid creating unnecessary objects.
    - Added new examples and a cheat sheet in the documentation
    - Added on altermundus.fr a new version of Sangakus developed with tkz-elements


This package is located at

More information is at


   Thanks for the upload.

     For the CTAN Team
    Manfred Lotz

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