new tex faq sources and web version, accompanying package

Robin Fairbairns Robin.Fairbairns at
Mon Dec 10 15:59:21 CET 2001

i've just installed a new version (v2.5.8) of the uk faq on ctan
(help/uk-tex-faq), and on the faq web page (

included is the answer to a question whose absence has been the
subject of a lot of ridicule of the hapless faqer of cambridge:

in addition, i've installed a small package of my own, which is
mentioned by a question in the new version of the faq.

this package, macros/latex/contrib/other/misc/bold-extra.sty, makes
nfss tables for using the fonts in fonts/cm/mf-extra/bold (bold cmtt
and cmcsc fonts).

those creating tex distributions are welcome to copies of my
experimental static versions of the faq pages: please contact me

Robin Fairbairns

For the CTAN team

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