CTAN uploads -- showlabels, textpos, urlbst and feyn

Robin Fairbairns Robin.Fairbairns at cl.cam.ac.uk
Thu Apr 25 12:59:05 CEST 2002

Norman Gray writes:

> I've just uploaded four packages to ftp.tex.ac.uk/incoming.  Two are
> updates, two are new.
> ===========================================================================
>    + What you've uploaded
> showlabels-1.4.tar.gz
>    + where you want the files to go
> Replacing macros/latex/contrib/supported/showlabels/
>    + what licensing conditions you apply to your software
> gpl
>    + a brief summary of what your upload is intended to do.
> Showlabels: put the names of \labels into the margins of a draft document
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Version 1.4
> This package helps you keep track of all the labels you define, by
> putting the name of new labels into the margin whenever the
> \label command is used.
> The package allows you to do the same thing for other commands.  The
> only one for which this is obviously useful is the \cite command, but
> it's easy to do it for others, such as the \ref or \begin commands.
> Changes in v1.4, 24 July 2001
> ------------------------------
> Significant alteration to the mechanism for displaying the labels,
> which makes it easy to do the same trick for the \cite command.  It's
> also fairly easy to extend this to any other commands which might want
> it, through the new \showlabels command, though \ref is the only one
> which immediately springs to mind.
> Also, the package option [inline] was introduced, giving an
> alternative format for displaying the labels.  This route is ripe for
> generalisation.
> Corrections to the code which places labels in the margin.  This is
> manifest in that the package is now (more) compatible with the wrapfig
> package.
> ===========================================================================
>    + What you've uploaded
> textpos-1.2.tar.gz
>    + where you want the files to go
> Replacing macros/latex/contrib/supported/textpos/
>    + what licensing conditions you apply to your software
> gpl
>    + a brief summary of what your upload is intended to do.
> Textpos: absolute positioning of text on the LaTeX page
> -------------------------------------------------------
> Version 1.2
> This package facilitates placing boxes at absolute positions on the
> LaTeX page.  There are several reasons why this might be useful, but
> the main one (or at least my motivating one) is to help produce a
> large-format conference poster.
> This package provides a single environment, which contains the text
> (or graphics, or table, or whatever) which is to be placed on the
> page, and which specifies where it is to be placed.
> Changes in  v1.2, 21 April 2002
> -------------------------------
> Rolf Niepraschk <niepraschk at ptb.de> provided code to make textpos
> compatible with the {calc} package.
> Added the [verbose] and [quiet] package options.
> ===========================================================================
>    + What you've uploaded
> urlbst-0.1.tar.gz
>    + where you want the files to go
> I suppose in biblio/bibtex/contrib/urlbst ?
>    + what licensing conditions you apply to your software
> gpl
>    + a brief summary of what your upload is intended to do.
> Adds a `webpage' BibTeX entry type, and support for general `url' and
> `lastchecked' fields, to arbitrary BibTeX style files.
>     %%VERSION%% 0.1
> The Perl script urlbst.pl can be used to add this support to an
> arbitrary .bst file which has a reasonably `conventional' structure.
> The result is meant to be robust rather than pretty.
>     Usage: urlbst.pl [input-file [output-file]]
> if either the input-file or the output-file is omitted, they default
> to stdin and stdout respectively.  If the input file already has a URL
> entry type, then the script objects.
> For example:
>     urlbst.pl `kpsewhich siam.bst` siamurl.bst
> The distributed files abbrvurl.bst, alphaurl.bst, plainurl.bst and
> unsrturl.bst are versions of the standard style files which have been
> pre-converted.
> Only the style files which result from conversion of the standard
> styles are checked in the regression tests.  Other style files which
> are known to work include
>     acm.bst, amsalpha.bst, amsplain.bst, apalike.bst, gerabbrv.bst,
>     geralpha.bst, gerapali.bst, gerplain.bst, gerunsrt.bst, ieeetr.bst and
>     siam.bst
> Style files known not to work, because they are too different from the
> standard styles, include the koma-script styles and the refer styles
> (they are not designed to produce conventional .bbl files).  The
> natbib and revtex style files already have URL fields.  If you have a
> BibTeX style file which you think ought to work, but with which the
> script fails, send it to me, and I'll try to work out what I've missed.
> ===========================================================================
>    + What you've uploaded
> feyn-0.1.tar.gz
>    + where you want the files to go
> I suppose in fonts/feyn ?
>    + what licensing conditions you apply to your software
> gpl
>    + a brief summary of what your upload is intended to do.
> Feyn: a Metafont for Feynman diagrams
> -------------------------------------
> Version 0.1
> This describes the font `feyn', which can be used to produce relatively
> simple Feynman diagrams within equations in a LaTeX document.
> The other Feynman diagram package which exists is Thorsten Ohl's
> `feynmf/feynmp' package.  That works by creating Metafont or MetaPost
> figures using a preprocessor.  It's more general than this package,
> but is at its best when creating relatively large diagrams, for
> figures.  In contrast, the present system consists of a
> carefully-designed font with which you can write simple diagrams,
> within equations or within text, in a size matching the surrounding
> text size.

i've installed all four packages as suggested (i.e., i've adopted your
proposed locations for urlbst and feyn).  thanks for the uploads.

(sorry about the delay in installing: an emergency at [real] work

Robin Fairbairns

For the CTAN team

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