CTAN update: ncctools

Jim Hefferon ftpmaint at alan.smcvt.edu
Mon Feb 4 15:10:12 CET 2002

The ncctools package has been updated at tug.ctan.org and should
have made its way throught the mirroring process.

Jim Hefferon
ftpmaint at tug.ctan.org


The following information was provided by our fellow contributor.

Name of contribution: ncctools
Author's name: Alexander I Rozhenko
Location on CTAN: macros/latex/contrib/supported/ncctools
Summary description: A new release of the NCCTOOLS bungle for LaTeX Project
License type: lppl

Announcement text given by the contribution's author:
- -------------------------------------------------------------------
% NCCTOOLS, Release 2.0

% ================

The `ncctools' bundle consists of a number of packages extracted from
NCC style (developed by A. Rozhenko in 1992-1996 for LaTeX-2.09) while
reimplementation it for LaTeX-2e. This job is not completed yet. So,
some packages will be added to the bundle later.

Four of the packages, namely dcounter, extdash, manyfoot, and nccfoots,
are documented in corresponding `.dtx' files.  Others are partially
documented just inside `.sty' files.

% ===============================

cropbox.sty   Implements the \cropbox command which prepares a box with
              crop marks at its corners looking like angles.  Angle
              parameters are customizable.

cropmark.sty  Implements the \cropmark command producing crop box
              around page text area (header area, footer area and
              marginal notes are optionally taken into consideration).
              The \cropmark command is used inside \watermark
              commands.  It accurately interprets current state of
              two-column, two-side, and reverse-margin modes.

dcounter.dtx  Dynamic counters.  The counter declared as dynamic
              is really created at the first use and receives at that
              moment the count style which was established by the
              \countstyle command.  The special use of \counstyle command
              with optional parameter allows modifying of
              subordination of existing counter.  For example, while
              using the book class you can reject the subordination of
              the section counter to the chapter counter and
              resubordinate figures, tables and equations to sections.

desclist.sty  Implements the desclist environment.  It is considered
              as an improvement of the description environment.
              The appearance of item markers is easy customizable on the
              fly.  An optional parameter allows set a marker prototype
              for calculation of hang indentation skip.  The description
              environment is redefined to use an optional parameter also.

extdash.dtx   The package implements the commands, \Hyphdash, \Endash,
              \Emdash, and their *-forms, to control hyphenation of
              compound words and ordinary words dashed by em-dash. You
              can also use the shortcuts
                      \-/   \=/   \--   \==   \---   \===
              instead. On contrary to germanb style of the Babel package
              no active symbols added. You can also decrease the length
              of em-dash by the option `cyremdash' to satisfy the russian
              typesetting rules.

manyfoot.dtx  The package implements a command, \newfootnote, that adds
              footnote levels to the standard LaTeX's footnote
              mechanism. Footnotes of every additional level are
              automatically grouped together on a LaTeX-2e output page
              and are separated from another levels by the special
              vertical space and (maybe) rule. You can customize the
              typesetting style of additional footnotes choosing between
              ordinary footnotes and run-in paragraph footnotes (useful
              for critical editions).

nccbbb.sty    Implementation of poor Black Board Bold symbols. Ported
              from old NCC-LaTeX. It is useless in modern LaTeX but
              kept just in case.

nccboxes.sty  Additional boxes from NCC-LaTeX. The \jhbox and \jvbox can
              horizontally and vertically align a body with respect
              to a prototype. The \addbox adjusts the height and
              depth of the box body (it is alternative to using the `calc'
              package). The \pbox is a simple version of one-column
              table. It is independent on \arraystretch value. The \cbox
              is intended for design of fancy headers in tables.

nccfancyhdr.sty Absolutely new implementation of functionality of the
              fancyhdr package.  It is more transparent, simple,
              non-aggressive (redefining of standard page styles is
              optional), and bug-free (I hope :).  Header width control
              is improved with two commands, namely \extendedheaders
              (extended upon marginal notes) and \normalheaders. The
              command \thispagestyle correctly works with fancy
              page styles (in fancyhdr, it didn't work because of use
              of global definitions).

nccfoots.dtx  The package implements commands for generating footnotes
              with manual marks. For example, to mark footnote by star you
              can write \Footnote{*}{Footnote text}.

nccmath.sty   Extension of the `amsmath' package.  Its main aim is to
              combine AMS's typesetting of display equations and
              NCC-LaTeX's one.  In amsmath, the `eqnarray' environment
              leaves unchanged.  This package redefines `eqnarray' to allow
              using of amsmath tag control features and display breaks.
              Intercolumn distance is reduced to the distance typical
              for relation operations.  All columns are prepared in the
              \displaystyle.  A new `darray' environment is a mix of the
              AMS's `aligned' environment and LaTeX's `array' environment.
              It is typed out in the same way as `aligned' environment
              but has columns definition parameter as `array' environment.
              The use of column specifications is restricted to the
              necessary commands only: l,c,r,@, and * are allowed. The
              implementation is compatible with the array package.  Some
              additional commands are introduced also.

nccpic.sty    Envelop for the `graphicx' package. It customizes graphics
              extensions list for most popular drivers, namely dvips,
              dvidpf, and dvipdfm, and for use with pdftex also. Extension
              list now contains extensions of graphics files which are
              processed on the fly without additional efforts.  Using this
              feature simplifies typesetting.  You need not specify a
              graphics file extension when use the \includegraphics
              command.  Depending on a dvi driver specified, a graphics
              file with an appropriate extension is searched.  So, you
              only need to create a number of versions of a graphics file
              in different formats (for example, `.bmp' for dvips or Yap
              and `.png' for pdftex).  After that you can produce resulting
              `.ps' and `.pdf' file without any changes in the source file.
              The recommended storage for graphics files is the graphics/
              subdirectory of the directory the `.tex' file is translated.
              Some additional commands are introduced also.

nccsect.sty   Extension of LaTeX's section, caption, and toc-entries
              generation technique.  The package contains many
              improvements.  More interesting of them are:

               * simple declaring of sections of any level (including
                 sections of 0th level and captions for floats);
               * user-controlled typeout for display sections
                 (user can select one of the following typeout styles:
                 hangindent, parindent, center);
               * customizing of section or caption tag by the manner
                 similar to AMS equation tag;
               * simple declaring of toc-entries using prototypes
                 for calculation of hang indentations;
               * \numberline command newer overlaps the text going after;
               * \PnumPrototype{} is used for calculation of right margin
                 in table of contents;
               * different captions for different float types;
               * simple handle of new types of floats (after registration
                 of a new float in the package you can declare a caption
                 and toc-entry for it; be sure that the \chapter command
                 will automatically produce a vertical skip in a toc for
                 the new float also).

nccthm.sty    Yet another extension to the \newtheorem command.  Four
              orthogonal properties of theorems are used:

              numbering mode - standard or APAR (a number before header);
              theorem type - defines an appearance of a theorem (what fonts
                             are used for header, comment, and body). The
                             `theorem' and `remark' types a predefined;
              indent style - margin, nomargin, indent, noindent (selected in
                             package options);
              break mode   - do break after header or not? Hardcoded when a
                             new theorem is declared. Can be overridden on
                             the fly for concrete math statement.

              Easy customization of spacing and commands inserted after
              headers.  Two types of QED symbol (white and black).  The
              \proof command is introduced.  The \newtheoremtype command
              allows create new theorem types.  The \likeTYPE command
              is automatically created for every new type.  It simplifies
              typeout of rare math statements.  Instead of creation of a new
              theorem environment you can use


              for it, or \likeremark, or ...  Every theorem environment
              and theorem type can be redefined with \renewtheorem and
              \renewtheoremtype.  Counters of all theorem-like environments
              are dynamic.  So, they are created at the first use.  This is
              very helpful for package writer.  A number of theorem-like
              environments can be created in a package or class, and a user
              only selects the count style for them (in simple case this can
              be done with only one \countstyle command in the document

parskip.sty   Useful for documents with non-zero skips between paragraphs.
              In this case, the additional vertical space inserted by lists
              is unlikely.  The package provides identical distance between
              all paragraphs except section markups. It redefines control
              list commands and suppress \topskip, \partopskip, and \itemsep
              in lists. As a result, the distance between ordinary paragraphs
              and paragraphs prepared by lists is the same. The command
              \SetParskip{distance} is described to control this distance.

tocenter.sty  Provides two commands, namely \ToCenter and \FromMargins, which
              simplify the customization of page layout.  It is now easy
              to change text width and height and center the text area
              on the page (the header, footer, and marginal note fields
              are optionally taken into consideration).  Other way is
              like-Word declaring of paper layout: you set margins
              from the left, right, top, and bottom.

watermark.sty Provides watermarks on output pages. A watermark is
              some text or picture printed at the background of paper.
              A watermark is usually stored in the page header. This way is
              inconvenient: it needs redefinition of page style commands.
              We use another method that is orthogonal to page mark
              commands and needs no redefinition of page marks.
              The left and right watermarks are allowed. Temporary
              \thiswatermark acts on the current page only.  Using this
              way it is easy to substitute a page header by your own page
              header with the \thispageheading command.

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