Uploads: smallcap.sty, moresize and varsects.sty

Robin Fairbairns Robin.Fairbairns at cl.cam.ac.uk
Fri Feb 15 17:46:09 CET 2002

Daniel taupin has provided various things to ctan:

1. smallcap.sty:
   smallcap.sty make small caps be a font family rather than a
   shape. This allows bold and slanted small caps to be available (EC
   fonts do exist). This family is called T1cmsc, and t1cmsc.fd is
   provided with the style.

2. moresize.zip
   Daniel Taupin's moresize.sty provides upper sizes corresponding to
   standard size increase of 1.2 above 3583. Fit for higher sizes
   'giant', 'Giant' and 'GIANT' (above 'huge', 'Huge' and
   'HUGE'). Compatible but more extended with Christian Cornelssen's
   version of 'moresize.sty'.

   Requires extended *.fd, provided with the package.

3. varsects.sty
   Package varsects.sty redefines \chapter, \section,
   \subsection... etc. with optional parameters changing vertical
   space before and after the title, and the font size, series, shape
   or family of this title.

   Usage is obvious when looking in the contents of the file.

i have installed all these files in macros/latex/contrib/supported/taupin

thanks, daniel, for the uploads.

Robin Fairbairns

For the CTAN team

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