CTAN submission -- skak version 1.0 - chess typeseting the easy way

Reinhard Zierke zierke at dante.de
Wed Jun 5 09:58:02 CEST 2002

----- Forwarded message from Torben Hoffmann -----
Upload: skak2.zip 

Node: ftp.dante.de

Where to go: replace the old skak package in fonts/skak

Licensing conditions: LPPL (Latex Project Public Licence)
  This software is copyright but you are granted a license which gives
  you, the ``user'' of the software, legal permission to copy,
  distribute, and/or modify the software. However, if you modify the
  software and then distribute it (even just locally) you must change
  the name of the software to avoid confusion.

  This is version 1.0 of the skak package - it differs from the
  earlier non-numbered releases in the following aspects:
  1. The documentation has been split into three documents:
     * A short user guide.
     * An example of how to use the skak package.
     * A reference manual listing all available commands.
  2. Some minor bugs have been removed - thanks to all that have
  contacted me regarding these subtle errors.

Best regards and happy chess typesetting.
----- End forwarded message -----

Thanks for the upload.  I installed it as suggested replacing the old
version in CTAN:/tex-archive/fonts/skak/

Reinhard Zierke
for the CTAN team

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