Need file to be removed from server

Robin Fairbairns Robin.Fairbairns at
Tue Feb 11 14:35:20 CET 2003

Ross Maloney writes:

> I have uploaded xbibfile-0.7.tar.gz to the /incoming directory of
> for consideration for inclusion in CTAN.
> I suggest it be located in CTAN at  biblio/bibtex/utils.  The package
> xbibfile  is released under the GNU Public License.
> Xbibfile is used to create and search BibTeX databases.  It is
> written in C and uses the GTK graphics libraries to create its user
> interface.  It was written under Linux using the X Window system.
> It was written out of my need for such a research tool and has
> performed satisfactory in that role.  At some future stage I may get
> around to increasing its capabilities so some hooks are in place for
> doing that expansion.  However, it is usable in its current state.
> This is the first public release of this package.  The 0.7 is a
> version number for my own records.

i have installed the contents of your .tar.gz in a new directory
biblio/bibtex/utils/xbibtex, which is now set off to propagate.

thanks for the upload.

Robin Fairbairns

For the CTAN team

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