CTAN submission -- BibTool 2.47

Rainer Schoepf schoepf at proteosys.com
Thu Jan 16 15:06:29 CET 2003

On Thu, 16 Jan 2003, Gerd Neugebauer wrote:

> I have uploaded Release 2.47 of BibTool to
> ftp.dante.de:/incoming/BibTool-2.47.tar.gz
> BibTool is distributed under the GPL.
> The uploaded file should go into the directory
> biblio/bibtex/utils/bibtool. The file BibTool-2.46.tar.gz residing there
> can be deleted.
> Several and tiny enhancements have made it into this release.
> I append the README file for a general description
> of BibTool.
> Ciao
>          Gerd
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> ======================================================================
>            BibTool: A Tool for Manipulating BibTeX Data Bases
> BibTeX provides    an easy to  use means   to integrate  citations and
> bibliographies into LaTeX documents.  But the user  is left alone with
> the management of the BibTeX files. The program BibTool is intended to
> fill this gap.  BibTool allows the  manipulation of BibTeX files which
> goes  beyond the possibilities --- and intentions  --- of BibTeX.  The
> possibilities of BibTool include
> * Pretty-printing BibTeX data bases adjustable by lots of parameters.
> * Syntactic checks with error recovery superior to BibTeX and helpful
>    error messages.
> * Semantic checks can be specified by the user.
> * Sorting  and  merging of  BibTeX  data  bases according   to a  free
>    definable sort key.
> * Generation  of uniform reference keys  according to predefined rules
>    or according to an own specification.
> * Selecting references  used in  one  publication which are found   by
>    analyzing an .aux file.
> * Selecting references by a set of criteria (regular expressions).
> * Controlled rewriting    of fields utilizing  regular expressions  to
>    specify the rewriting rules.
> * Macro  (String)  expansion to  eliminate the  need  of  extra string
>    definitions.
> * Collecting statistics about one or more BibTeX data bases.
> BibTool  contains a  documentation written  in  LaTeX of  more than 60
> pages (and still growing).
> BibTool is written  in C and  has  been compiled on  various operating
> systems like flavors of UN*X and MSDOG machines.  It is distributed in
> source code.   No compiled  versions  are  available from  the  author
> (Useless to ask!).
> BibTool can be obtained from the CTAN archives:
> * ftp.dante.de:/tex-archive/biblio/bibtex/utils/bibtool
> * ftp.tex.ac.uk:/tex-archive/biblio/bibtex/utils/bibtool
> * ctan.tug.org:/tex-archive/biblio/bibtex/utils/bibtool
> Get  the  file BibTool-x.xx.tar.gz  where  x.xx is the version number.
> Unpack it with the command (on UN*X)
>          gunzip < BibTool-x.xx.tar.gz | tar -xvf -
> Alternatively get the file  BibTool-x.xx.zip where x.xx is the version
> number.  Unpack it with the command
>          unzip BibTool-x.xx.zip
> It will create  a  directory  named  BibTool-x.xx which contains   the
> installation instructions in the file install.tex.
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------

Thanks for the update, I installed the new file in


and deleted the old one.

For the CTAN Team
  Rainer Schöpf

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