CTAN submission --- bundle of 8 bookhand fonts

Robin Fairbairns Robin.Fairbairns at cl.cam.ac.uk
Fri Jan 17 01:35:10 CET 2003

Peter Wilson writes:

>     I have uploaded 9 files to UK incoming. They are all under the
> LPPL. Please: 
> o Move contents of bookhands.tar.gz into fonts/bookhands.
> o For each of the 8 files, move them to fonts/bookhands and untar
> there to create new subdirectories: carolmin.tar, egothic.tar,
> humanist.tar, inslrmin.tar, pgothic.tar, rotunda.tar, sqrcaps.tar,
> and tgothic.tar. 
>     This distribution completes my planned set of bookhand
> (METAFONT) fonts and packages covering manuscript scripts from the
> 1st century until Guthenberg and Caxton. The new hands are: 
> o Square Capitals 1st century onwards (sqrcaps)
> o Insular Minuscule 6th cenury onward (inslrmin) 
> o Carolingian Minuscule 8-12th century (carolmin)
> o Early Gothic 11-12th century (egothic)
> o Gothic Textura Quadrata 13-15th century (tgothic)
> o Gothic Textura Prescius 13th onward (pgothic)
> o Rotunda 13-15th century (rotunda)
> o Humanist Minuscule 14th onward (humanist).
>     The existing set includes:
> o Roman Rustic 1st to 6th century
> o Uncial 3-6th
> o Half Uncial 3-9th
> o Artificial Uncial 6-10th
> o Insular Majuscule 6-9th
>     The file bsamples.ps in bookhands.tar.gz shows examples of each
> of the fonts. 

installed as requested (in the spirit, if not the letter -- we don't
unpack things direct into the archive), and set to propagate.  thanks
for the uploads.

Robin Fairbairns

For the CTAN team

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