CTAN Submission -- Devanagari for TeX version 2.02

Robin Fairbairns Robin.Fairbairns at cl.cam.ac.uk
Wed Jun 11 00:11:21 CEST 2003

Anshuman Pandey writes:

> I have uploaded velthuis.zip to the 'incoming' directory at
> ftp.tex.ac.uk. This zip archive contains version 2.02 of the
> Velthuis Devanagari for TeX package. 
> This package belongs in /language/devanagari. There are three
> directories under this CTAN directory: 'contrib', 'distrib', and
> 'omega'. Please remove the 'contrib' and 'distrib' directories. The
> contents of those directories have been revised; some are included
> in this latest update, some are obsolete. 
> Please unpack velthuis.zip into a new directory called 'velthuis'.
> You may post a message to comp.text.tex informing readers of the new
> release if you wish. 

i've installed the new files, and deleted the old, as requested.
thanks for the upload.

in summary, the whole of the old devanagari/contrib and /distrib
directories are replaced (or superseded) by a new subtree
devanagari/velthuis; the existing subtree devanagari/omega is

Robin Fairbairns

For the CTAN team

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