pdfcprot: package should be considered unsported

Robin Fairbairns Robin.Fairbairns at cl.cam.ac.uk
Thu Nov 20 00:42:58 CET 2003

Carsten Schurig writes:

> as I didn't have the time to actively support 'pdfcprot' for more
> than a year now and I don't see this changing in the near future, I
> announce herewith officialy that I won't support'pdfprot' any
> longer.
> Please move it to the unsupported tree and add the attached
> README.unsupported to the directory. Please announce the change to

there's never been an "unsupported" tree, but we collapsed the
"supported/other" level of the tree earlier this year ... so the
pdfcprot directory doesn't move.

however, i have installed your new README.unsupported into the
directory, so anyone who looks is unlikely to be misled.

Robin Fairbairns

For the CTAN team

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