CTAN upload notification: xcolor 1.07

Reinhard Zierke zierke at dante.de
Tue Jan 20 09:11:11 CET 2004

----- Forwarded message from ctan-upload -----
A submission was uploaded to nova.dante.de:/ftp/incoming/upload-20040120.001/.

The following information was provided by our fellow contributor:

Name of contribution: xcolor 1.07
Name and email: Uwe Kern
Suggested location on CTAN: macros/latex/contrib/xcolor
Summary description: Driver-independent color extensions for LaTeX and pdfLaTeX
License type: lppl

Announcement text:
2004/01/20 v1.07
* New feature: support for color masking and color separation.
* New commands:
    - \rmultiply to multiply a dimension register by a real number.
    - \xcolorcmd to pass commands that are to be executed at the end
      of the package.
* Changes:
    - more consistent color handling: extended colors now always take
      precedence over standard colors.
    - several commands improved by using code from the LaTeX kernel.
* Documentation: some minor changes.
* Example files: additional pstricks examples (file xcolor2.tex).
----- End forwarded message -----

Thanks for the upload.  I installed it as suggested replacing the old
version in CTAN:macros/latex/contrib/xcolor

Reinhard Zierke
for the CTAN team

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