CTAN upload notification: CorrIdx

Reinhard Zierke zierke at dante.de
Thu Oct 14 10:00:44 CEST 2004

----- Forwarded message from ctan-upload -----
Name of contribution: CorrIdx
Name and email: Johannes Karl Fink <fink at unileoben.ac.at>
Suggested location on CTAN: indexing
Summary description: A preprocessor for MakeIndex to sort chemical names in an index 
License type: lppl

Announcement text:
The CorrIdx program can be used to sort an index with chemical names
containing leading numbers, etc. into a proper alphabetical order. It
is intended as a preprocessor for the MakeIndex program.

Thanks for the upload.  I installed it in CTAN:indexing/corridx next
to the makeindex directory.

Note: The program is written in Pascal.  A Windows binary and Pascal code
are provided.

Reinhard Zierke
for the CTAN team

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