hepparticles and maybemath

Robin Fairbairns Robin.Fairbairns at cl.cam.ac.uk
Tue Feb 22 14:50:00 CET 2005

Andy Buckley has submitted upgrades of the hepparticles and maybemath
packages.  Change information is:

> ----
> maybemath provides macros for making math mode expressions bold, 
> upright, italic or sans-serif according to context. This release adds 
> the sans-serif feature and fixes several bugs which were affecting 
> robustness in specific nested contexts.
> ----
> ----
> hepparticles is a set of macros for typesetting high energy physics 
> particle names. This release largely overhauls the internal package 
> structure, providing extremely flexible particle typesetting structures 
> for standard particles, anti-particles, SUSY particles and their 
> anti-particles (both as generic labels and as concrete names) and for 
> constructing resonance specifiers. In addition, several low-level macros 
> are exposed for the few cases in which the package does not provide the 
> required semantic structures. Whether an upright or italic convention is 
> used for specific particle names can be specified as a package option.
> ----

i've installed the two new versions in
macros/latex/contrib/(hepparticles|maybemath)/ here at cambridge.
they will be at the other ctan sites soon, and at mirrors over the
next few days.

thanks, Andy, for the updates.

Robin Fairbairns

For the CTAN team

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