Version 3.16b of the UK FAQ

Robin Fairbairns Robin.Fairbairns at
Thu Oct 5 09:54:08 CEST 2006

i have just installed the "end september release" of the uk faq, here
in cambridge (it'll be making its way out to the rest of the world any
minute now).  i have also updated the web version at

details of the new release are attached.  i must apologise for missing
the end august release: ill health got in the way (there had been
little added that month, anyway, and something had to give in my
disrupted work schedules).

Robin Fairbairns


Changes in version 3.16b

This file incorporates the (small number of) changes from version 3.16
that previously appeared in file CHANGES-3.16a; the earlier changes
are marked with an asterisk.

New answer:
  Label optionclash: clashing package options error in LaTeX

Revised answers:
  Label ECfonts:  reword discussion of mathematics and EC fonts (i.e.,
		  emphasise that there's no direct relation)
 *Label filename: extend macro definitions, hopefully expanding the
                  usefulness and usability of the answer
  Label hyperdupdest: other sources of the error than repeated pages
  Label minitoc:  corrected error in q-minitoc code, tidy comments
  Label minxampl: include the word "minimal", since it's a common search term
  Label music:    mention Lilypond as a source of TeX-compatible music
  Label poster:   mention Nicola Talbot's experimental flowfram layout package
  Label texinfo:  rewritten in parts, following a reader comment
  Label texsystems: miktex installation has changed with v2.5
  Label tutbitslatex: added pointers to TUG-maintained material on fonts
  Label virtualfonts: re-thought through

 *Label cmdstar:   part of the example code was just wrong
 *Label enumerate: unclarity in text caused by a typo
 *Bug in "introduction=yes" HTML code corrected
  Label atsigns:   mark-up error caused curious HTML output (editorial
		   improvement too)

Future releases:
  Despite missing the nominal "end August 2006" delivery (through an
  unfortunate combination of events), I'm aiming to maintain the
  stream of (approximately) monthly "bugfix" releases.  There are no
  current plans for a major release, though work on the new web-based
  version continues.

Robin Fairbairns

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