UK TeX FAQ, version 3.19d

CTAN Announcements ctan-ann at
Wed Apr 7 18:06:46 CEST 2010

i continue to make small updates of the faq, while pondering a new web
interface.  today's release (some details below) contains a number of
minor improvements and extensions, and some corrections.

the web interface (such as it is) remains at

Changes in version 3.19d

This file lists changes since its most recent release (version 3.19c).

New answers:
 +Label plaintex:  explains "writing in tex", was part of Label whattex

Relabelled answers:

Revised answers:
 +Label codelist:  mention the minted package
 +Label docs:	   single reference to epslatex (via catalogue)
 +Label etex:	   add ctan link
 +Label filesused: rewrite to clarify the issue with \input
 +Label luatex:	   now version 0.60.0
 +Label fonts-pln: replace some complete gibberish (undoing mis-edits, I guess)
 +Label parallel:  mention the pdfcolparcolumns package
 +Label seccntfmt: remove superfluous \expandafter in programming, tidy text
 +Label tabcellalign: editorial on \PBS macro discussion
 +Label texfuture: rehashed, in light of today's situation
 +Label whattex:   simplified by removal of material for Label plaintex

Deleted answers:

Web interface:
 Extension of links to catalogue, to packages "distributed as part of..."
 Abbreviate header text (omitting long list of "helpers" -- which will
   ultimately be available in a separate file online)
 Convert alphabetic SGML entities to use numeric equivalents
   (stragglers are bound to show up, but most have gone)

Users may view the faq's catalogue entry at
or browse the faq directory at

The catalogue entry will change (somewhat) overnight tonight.

Robin Fairbairns

For the CTAN team

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