CTAN update: markdown

CTAN Announcements ctan-ann at ctan.org
Wed Mar 1 08:33:28 CET 2023

Vít Novotný submitted an update to the



Version:  2.21.0-0-gee15b88 2023-02-28
License:  lppl1.3c

Summary description:  Converting and rendering markdown documents inside TeX

Announcement text:

 - Add renderers that represent the sections implied by headings.
   (#258, #264)
 - Add support for slicing fenced divs. (#229, #266)
 - Add support for TeX math surrounded by dollar signs.
   (contributed by @lostenderman, #61, #216, #267)


 - Use MathML to render math in the user manual. (#261, #262)
 - Properly normalize link references according to
   (lostenderman#56, #265)
 - Fail gracefully when CLI receives unknown options. (eddcb18)
 - Rename `writer->encode_*()` methods to clarify their purpose.
   (lostenderman#101, #271, #272)


 - Deprecate the current semantics of header attribute contexts.
   (#258, #264)
 - Deprecate `hardLineBreaks` option. (#227, #263)


The package’s Catalogue entry can be viewed at

The package’s files themselves can be inspected at


   Thanks for the upload.

     For the CTAN Team
    Petra Rübe-Pugliese


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