CTAN update: tkz-elements

CTAN Announcements ctan-ann at ctan.org
Wed Jul 17 23:00:28 CEST 2024

Alain Matthes submitted an update to the



Version number: 2.30c
License type: lppl1.3

Summary description: A Lua library for drawing Euclidean geometry with TikZ or tkz-euclide

Announcement text:

- new version of the macro `\tkzGetNodes` written by Sanskar Singh. This version now
  fixes a bug that prevented a figure from being centred with `centering` or the `center`
       - adding methods  `bevan_circle`, `symmedial_circle`.
       - correction of the methods `function triangle: bevan_point ()` and `function
  triangle: mittenpunkt_point ()`.
       - adding `function triangle: similar ()`
       - adding `function line : perpendicular_bisector ()` which is similar to `function
  line : mediator ()` 
       - correction of documentation.

This package is located at 

More information is at

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   Thanks for the upload.

     For the CTAN Team
    Ina Dau


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