New on CTAN: LaTeXScreenShooter

CTAN Announcements ctan-ann at
Fri Jun 28 10:15:44 CEST 2024

Quentin Vaney submitted the



Version number: 2024-05-06
License type: lppl1.3c

Summary description: Capture screenshots within LaTeX documents

Announcement text:

We are excited to introduce our first package, Latexscreenshooter, designed to 
streamline your LaTeX document creation process with enhanced screenshot 
capabilities. This innovative tool offers a range of features to improve your 
workflow and ensure high-quality outputs for your LaTeX projects.
Key Features:

    High-Resolution Screenshots: Capture clear and detailed screenshots from websites directly within your LaTeX documents.
    Seamless Integration: Effortlessly integrate with your existing LaTeX projects, making it simple to add and manage screenshots.
    User-Friendly Interface: Intuitive controls and comprehensive documentation make it easy for both beginners and experienced users to utilize the tool effectively.

We believe Latexscreenshooter will significantly enhance your LaTeX document 
creation experience.

Thank you for your support.

The Latexscreenshooter Team


This package is located at

More information is at


   Thanks for the upload.

     For the CTAN Team
    Erik Braun


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