CTAN update: luamplib

CTAN Announcements ctan-ann at ctan.org
Thu May 2 14:35:18 CEST 2024

Dohyun Kim submitted an update to the



Version:  2.29.0 2024-05-01
License:  gpl2

Summary description:  Use LuaTeX’s built-in MetaPost interpreter

Announcement text:
 * provide new TeX macros to reduce typing toil.

   \mpfig ... \endmpfig is roughly the abbreviation of
       token list declared by \everymplib[@mpfig]
       token list declared by \everyendmplib[@mpfig]

   \mpfig* ... \endmpfig is roughly the abbreviation of

   These macros are protected and unexpandable.
   In these macros \mpliblegacybehavior{false} is forcibly declared.
   As both share the same instance name, MetaPost codes are inherited among them.
   The instance name (default: @mpfig) can be changed by redefining `\mpfiginstancename'.

 * instance names are allowed in plain TeX as well. The syntax is:

       \mplibcode[name] ... \endmplibcode
       \everymplib[name]{ ... }
       \everyendmplib[name]{ ... }

   These macros are now protected and unexpandable.

 * provide new MetaPost operators `mplibtexcolor' and `mplibrgbtexcolor'
   which convert TeX color expressions to MetaPost color expressions.
   The latter one forces rgb model results (#112). For instance,

       mplibtexcolor "olive"     % => (0, 0, 1, 0.5)
       mplibrgbtexcolor "olive"  % => (0.5, 0.5, 0)

   As spot colors are always forced to cmyk or rgb model, it is not
   recommended to use these operators for them.

 * write down MetaPost messages into the log file


The package’s Catalogue entry can be viewed at

The package’s files themselves can be inspected at


   Thanks for the upload.

     For the CTAN Team
    Petra Rübe-Pugliese


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