New on CTAN: LeteSansMath

CTAN Announcements ctan-ann at
Mon May 13 14:11:25 CEST 2024

Daniel Flipo submitted the



Version:  0.40 2024-05-11
License:  ofl lppl1.3c

Summary description:  Lato-based OpenType Math font for LuaTeX and XeTeX

Announcement text:
 “lete-sans-math” is not a new package, it just replaces the
 “lato-math” package.

 The renaming of the “LatoMath” fonts is requested by the Lato
 fonts designers as consequence of the Reserved Font Name clause
 which applies to their fonts.

 So we decided to rename “LatoMath” as “LeteSansMath”,
 “LatoMath-Bold” as “LeteSansMath-Bold” and the package
 “lato-math.sty” as “lete-sans-math.sty”
 (“Lato” means Summer in Polish, same as “l'été” in French).

 Sorry for the inconvenience!


The package’s Catalogue entry can be viewed at

The package’s files themselves can be inspected at


   Thanks for the upload.

     For the CTAN Team
    Petra Rübe-Pugliese


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