New on CTAN: skillicons

CTAN Announcements ctan-ann at
Wed May 15 16:44:29 CEST 2024

Anton Mnatsakanov submitted the



Version:  1.0 2024-05-14
License:  mit

Summary description:  Integrate skill icons into your documents

Announcement text:
 New LaTeX Package: Introducing skillicons for Seamlessly Integrating Skill Icons

 Dear Sir/Madam,

 We are excited to announce the release of a new LaTeX package
 called skillicons, designed to seamlessly integrate skill icons
 into your documents. Whether you're working on resumes, CVs,
 or any document that requires skill representation, skillicons
 offers an easy and visually appealing solution.

 With skillicons, you can enhance your documents by incorporating
 skill indicators that not only add visual interest but also provide
 clarity and organization to your content. Whether you're highlighting
 programming languages, software tools, or other skills, skillicons
 makes it simple to create professional-looking documents.

 Key features of skillicons include:

 * Seamless integration: Easily incorporate skill icons into
   your LaTeX documents.
 * Visually appealing: Choose from a variety of skill icons to enhance
   the visual appeal of your content.
 * Flexible customization: Customize the size and style of the skill
   icons to suit your preferences and document design.

 To learn more about skillicons and how to use it in your LaTeX
 documents, please visit the package documentation on CTAN or

 We hope you find skillicons useful for your document creation needs.
 If you have any questions, feedback, or suggestions for future updates,
 please don't hesitate to reach out.

 Best regards,
 Anton, creator of the package


The package’s Catalogue entry can be viewed at

The package’s files themselves can be inspected at


   Thanks for the upload.

     For the CTAN Team
    Petra Rübe-Pugliese


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