CTAN upload notification: xcolor 1.11

Reinhard Zierke zierke at dante.de
Mon May 10 09:07:55 CEST 2004

Name of contribution: xcolor 1.11
Name and email: Uwe Kern <xcolor at ukern.de>
Suggested location on CTAN: macros/latex/contrib/xcolor
Summary description: Driver-independent color extensions for LaTeX and pdfLaTeX
License type: lppl

Announcement text:
2004/05/09 v1.11
* New features:
    - switch \ifglobalcolors to control whether color definitions are
      global or local;
    - option `hyperref' provides color expression support for the
      border colors of hyperlinks, e.g.
    - internal hooks \XC at bcolor, \XC at mcolor, and \XC at ecolor for
      additional code that has to be executed immediately before/after
      the current color is being displayed.
* Changes:
    - \XC at logcolor renamed to \XC at display, which is now the core color
      display command;
    - improved interface to `pstricks'.

Thanks for the upload.  I installed the new version as suggested in

Reinhard Zierke
for the CTAN team

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